Thursday, November 27, 2014

Once Blind, But Now I See

    My life has changed! I'm not the same person I was 2 months ago. The way I see food now is way different. I can see how food affects my mood, my body, everything.

Everything changed for me once I saw the documentary "Hungry for Change".  You can go see it on Netflix or FMTV.

Hungry for Change exposes shocking secrets 
the diet, weight loss and food industries don't want you to 
know about deceptive strategies designed to keep 
you coming back for more. Find out what's keeping 
you from having the body and health you deserve. - Anonymous

    It really opened my eyes to reality. I was blind. I was killing my body without even knowing it. It really saddens me knowing all the junk I was putting in my body, all the sugar, GMO (genetically modified organism), MSG (monosodium glutamate), high fructose corn syrup, etc. I had no idea how it affected my body, how horrible it was for my health.

    I've also seen how God created such amazing bodies that they're able to heal themselves when we give the body what it really needs. The body just wants to heal from all the toxins we're giving it. It is crying out for help and we are totally ignoring it.

    So I changed my lifestyle. I wanted to give my body what it deserves. I now eat healthy foods and drink juices from freshly extracted fruits and vegetables. Believe me, if I can do it... anyone can! I used not to try different foods. I wasn't interested. I didn't eat vegetables and I only ate like 3 different types of fruits. In one point of my life I remember weighing 163 pounds and I'm only 5'1', can you even imagine how I looked? I think I can help you with that.


    Yep, that was me in 2010. As you can see I was really overweight. I wasn't happy with the way I looked. In the past I tried different diets and sometimes it worked, but it was temporary after a while I would eat the same foods and gain weight again. I didn't know I was killing myself from the inside. But God changed my way of eating through the documentary and through the website I found FMTV. God saved my life! 

I am a new person and I'm not going back!

    I'm glad to say that right now I weigh 121 pounds! I remember when I first got to weigh 121 pounds. I started crying when I saw myself in the mirror. I could not believe that after years of trying to lose weight I got here and it was easy to lose weight once I started to eat healthy. It wasn't a constant struggle.

    Now I try to tell people how bad the sugar and toxins in the ingredients are bad for their body, but they don't get it. They just don't get it! Sometimes its frustrating to see my friends and my father and my own family to eat blindfolded without even knowing what they're putting in their bodies. See them killing their own bodies. It's really horrible for me and some of them look at what I eat and drink and it's like I'm an alien.

    It's like being in Christ! We see people everyday that need Christ in their life. We can talk to them about God and Jesus, but until they actually have an experience with God's love, they are not going to Get It. They will not understand anything until they feel God in their life. They are blind and no matter how many times we explain a blind person how a sunset looks like, that person will not be able to enjoy it or understand what a sunset is until his eyes are open. In God's time those people will experience God's love, their eyes will be open to reality, which is Jesus.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

God Guides My Steps

    It's been a while since I've posted anything. My life hasn't been the same, but in a great way! God has been guiding my steps. He's been taking me to do what I've always loved to do. Dance!

    I quit my job because I've always told my friends that it doesn't matter how much you get paid but what really matters is... That you enjoy what you do. I wasn't enjoying it. I wasn't enjoying my job and I noticed that one of my motivations was to just get paid. I was doing exactly the opposite of what I would tell my friends. So, I quit!

    When I quit I felt a relief, like I can do anything I want to do. The day I decided to quit my job something came to my mind. It was going to be my next job. Dance class! It just came to me. Of course I thought about it a couple of times before but I always felt like I wasn't ready. But now it was different, like something inside of me changed. I felt ready to take that leap! I knew God would be with me wherever I go.

"Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, 
for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. 
I will hold you up with my victorious right hand."
(Isaiah 41:10)

    The same day I quit my job, a pastor came to me asking me if I could choreograph for kids at her church. She had no idea I was going to give dance class or that I quit my job. It was surprising how God was putting all the pieces together! That was my confirmation! The confirmation that I had made the right choice in quitting my job and starting to teach.

    It's amazing to know that God is guiding our steps. We don't have to beg Him to tell us what we should do. We just have to talk to Him, relate to Him, have a relationship with Him. Remember, Jesus is the way! So we are never out of the path. Just have a deep relationship with God and His desires will be your desires because together with God we are One!

"The Lord directs the steps of the godly. 
He delights in every detail of their lives."
(Psalm 37:23)

"But the person who is joined to the 
Lord is one spirit with him."
(1 Corinthians 6:17)