Sunday, January 25, 2015

We Weren't Meant To Be Independent

Since the way we were born, we've been taught to be independent. All our parents taught us to eat without anyone's help, or to walk without having to hold on to anyone. Our parents one day let us go to face the world and be independent!

It's the way society lives. They actually think we have to be independent.

They are wrong!

We are not meant to be independent! We shouldn't be independent! Why?

Because being independent means to actually live with our own strengths thinking we can do everything by ourselves. And we are wrong! We can't do anything by ourselves. Not even breathe!

Jesus knew that. Jesus lived on earth knowing he couldn't do anything by himself. Imagine, not even Jesus could do anything independently, then how could we?

So Jesus explained, “I tell you the truth, the Son can do nothing by himself. He does only 
what he sees the Father doing. Whatever the Father does, the Son also does." (John 5:19 NLT)

He consciously knew that He couldn't do anything without God. Jesus depended on God 24/7!

How can we do that? How can we live depending on God 24/7 after we've been taught almost our whole lives to be independent?

There isn't a secret formula for this to happen. Have in mind that we didn't learn how to walk in 1 week. It took time, until it happened and it became a habit. We don't think about "how to walk" anymore. It comes naturally.

The same way will happen with God!

Talk to God, have a real relationship with Him and while time passes by, the dependence on God will come naturally.

1 comment:

  1. Every one must be independent , we cant be dependent on our parents to support us financially nor can we depend on people , I think we should be able to confine in God but not depend on him to fix our issues , all we can do is pray that he help us but not to do everything for us , nor can we expect other people to do things for us . If that's the case why we born??
