Thursday, August 7, 2014

Should I Have Expectations In Life?

Expectation =  a belief that something will happen or is likely to happen

Expectations ruin any kind of relationship.

When you don't expect anything from anyone, you will be less disappointed about others.

But the sad truth is...

    We're always expecting things about others. Like, when you open a door for someone you expect a "Thank You", or you expect life after high school to be easier, or like in my case when I text my best friend, I expect her to answer rapidly. But no, she takes like 30 minutes to sometimes 2 - 3 hours to answer a message. When those expectations don't come true, you feel disappointed, mad, or sad. But it's not the other person's fault. They didn't know you were expecting something from them. You're the one who had expectations.

I would tell you to stop having expectations about others, but that's not realistic because in the back of your mind you'll still be expecting something from others.

Like when I invite my best friend to go somewhere, I know I shouldn't expect anything, but really really deep inside I'm still expecting her to go.

So, how do we stop expecting something from other people? Honestly, I have no idea.

If you have the answer, please comment below. I would really like to know.


  1. This made me cry, girl. Earlier I had a sad experience where someone had expectations, expectations that I know I could never meet. I wanted to be there for them, but the way they expected, I couldn't. I don't have the answer, either... :( but just reading this tonight was exactly what I needed to hear. Thank you, girl... <3

    1. Only God can be there for someone 24/7. Keep being yourself! God is in control.

  2. THANKS, girl! So true... :)
